Behind The Brand
Bev & Co. Luxury Hair was created by three sisters (Bridgette, Rosemarie, and Trisha) who saw a need for quality hair products and exceptional service within our community. We have experience the frustrations of ordering units that were ill fitting, poor quality, and came with a dose of horrendous customer service from a company that fell short on their promises.
Bev & Co. was birthed as a solution to that problem. At Bev & Co. we service the everyday woman who desires to look and feel phenomenal. Our hairs have been tested for longevity. Every Bev & Co. hair is made to last with proper care. Our hair will last you year after year. We provide you with all that you need to keep your hair looking brand new every day, from hair care tips to product recommendations. When you shop with Bev & Co. Luxury Hair, you are receiving pure natural hair, you are able to wear it straight, wavy or curly. The possibilities are endless.
As our mother, Beverly, would always say, “Your hair is your beauty!” We can’t wait to see you wear your Bev & Co. Luxury Hair proudly!